Ward Union Pony Club

This website will be updated regularly and along with our Facebook Page, it's where you can find out what's happening in our club.  Members should  check it regularly and keep up to date.  Important announcements will be here along with forthcoming activities, change of venue /dates or cancellations, downloads etc.

If you require more information on ANY event please feel free to contact any member of the committee. All committee members details are available on our Contact Us page.

For national news and competitions in the Irish Pony Club please check www.irishponyclub.ie

If you would like to become a member of The Ward Union Pony Club please  join via our On-Line Payments section or if you want more information first, please email wardunionponyclub.ireland@gmail.com or give Miriam a call or text on 085 7827827.  Once your application has been processed you are eligible to join in our activities.  Most of our members are from south Meath and north county Dublin but anyone is welcome to join.

It is not necessary for a child to own a horse or pony but they would need to have access to one when required.